- My mom and my sister will be visiting next week. Need I say more? I can't wait! Girl time in excess FTW!
- Summer!! I get to work on my own research, and I get to set my own hours (which means I don't feel so guilty about my natural night-owl tendencies). But it's also warm and beautiful and the river is amazing, and gah, I just love this season :)
- My job. Spring semester did try to throw me down a flight of stairs and laugh about it, but that over, and in the fall I'll start my tenure-track line. This bump is like winning the academic lottery. And I am both humbled beyond belief to be here, and totally excited. (And I get my own lab!! It's so exciting I can't even begin to tell you!!)
- Summer concerts. A friend and I went and saw The Decemberists last Sunday and it was just amazing. I didn't want it to end and wanted to be swallowed by the music. If you get a chance to see them live, they really put on an amazing show! And there are several more bands planning on stopping in Missoula this summer and it's going to be great :)
These are my major moments of gratitude right now, though there are a ton more little things (like, thank heavens for indoor plumbing--something I really don't think gets enough love ;), but obviously I can't write them all down. But I like to remind myself of those things I'm really luck for :)