Happy Friday everyone! What's everyone planning for the weekend? My in-laws are coming (I can't even think that without having a minor Paul Revere moment in my head--hehe!), which should be fun. One hopes :)
So, here's what I'd love to chat about today: pacing. I have managed to devour in the last week all of the Lux books by Jennifer Armetrout and holy frick it's been nearly impossible to put those books down! And I received some awesome feed back on one of my books about pacing, and the need to ramp it up (something I'd thought I'd managed, but apparently things are far more interesting in my head than to anyone else). I'm digging back into this book and hopefully can get that ironed out.
I'm curious as to what makes a book un-put-down-able for you? What makes it just utterly up-til-the-middle-of-the-night?
One of things that I do notice and work on myself is chapter endings. They absolutely must leave things on a bit of a cliff hanger that makes the reader want to go on. Constant tension, either in outside danger, romance, or some internal tension, gets exhausting for me though. I kind of like a bit of introspection and calm times to absorb what's going on thrown in from time to time. The balance is where the heart it though--and mixing the two is tricky.
I'm curious what you think on this, and how you've noticed it either while reading or writing!
And, because it's Friday:
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So, here's what I'd love to chat about today: pacing. I have managed to devour in the last week all of the Lux books by Jennifer Armetrout and holy frick it's been nearly impossible to put those books down! And I received some awesome feed back on one of my books about pacing, and the need to ramp it up (something I'd thought I'd managed, but apparently things are far more interesting in my head than to anyone else). I'm digging back into this book and hopefully can get that ironed out.

One of things that I do notice and work on myself is chapter endings. They absolutely must leave things on a bit of a cliff hanger that makes the reader want to go on. Constant tension, either in outside danger, romance, or some internal tension, gets exhausting for me though. I kind of like a bit of introspection and calm times to absorb what's going on thrown in from time to time. The balance is where the heart it though--and mixing the two is tricky.
I'm curious what you think on this, and how you've noticed it either while reading or writing!
And, because it's Friday: