Hi everyone! How's the turkey hangover going? I hope it was a fabulous day! I have a special guest today, Stuart West, who is a hilarious and awesome author. Seriously, you should check out his TEX series--it's amazing! And his blog is lots of fun (especially with werewolf Christian erotica...trust me, you have to check it out for yourself :). His post today is heartwarming, and I think you're going to love it!
And, of course, if you have a Sary story to share--I'm always looking for people to host!!
Meradeth’s beautiful book, Colors Like Memories, got me thinking. Not a good thing, granted,
if you ask my wife. But Meradeth’s ingenious creation of the beneficial
creature, the Sary, made me wonder if there aren’t Sarys in all of our lives, one
way or another.
Methinks there are. You just need to know where to look for
them. They’re hard to spot.
Lately, my mother’s been taking a turn for the worse; she’s constantly
on death watch, sharing gems of wisdom to her sons such as “I’m going bye-bye
soon.” I mean, really? Baby talk about
death? But I digress.
This week I took my mother to the hospital for heart tests.
At first I grumbled about it, wasn’t too happy that I had to spend eight hours
in a waiting room, especially since the TV blared out a Disney Christmas movie. And there I go again, digressing.
But, you know what? My mom came out of the tests. No results
yet. But she smiled. And it made me feel like a complete jackass for all my
Here’s a woman who’s battled and conquered cancer twice, who
took care of a handicapped husband, still had time to prepare meals, has
macular degeneration, drove everyone around, and sold real estate. All at the
same time.
How’d she do it? No
idea. And she took care of me when I needed a mom. Loved me, held me, told me
everything would be alright.
Stupid of me to forget that.
When she came out of the testing, I noticed how older and
weaker she looked, not the mother who offered me solace in times of worry and
fear when I was a little guy.
But she’s still there. A warrior. A true SARY. A magical
being who puts loved one’s needs in front of her own needs.
The Sary in Meradeth’s book is awesome. She does great
things. There’re Sarys in all of our lives. You just need to know when to
recognize them.