Real quick, once you get done with this awesome post, come find me over on the fab JRo's blog (whose book NO PLACE TO FALL is going to be amazeballs! Come say hello :)

Today it's my pleasure to bring to you Mary Waibel, an author whose work I love, and a chance to get to get to know her a little better. Here are my questions for Mary:
(Q) I think it’s pretty safe to say that most writers love reading. What are some of the books that influenced you the most? Anything you’d like to recommend?
I read across a wide variety of genres, but the common theme is romance. I love a good romance. As for recommendations, Jennifer Armentrout's LUX series- hot aliens. Enough said. Kai Strand's KING OF BAD-super villains in training. Someone had to train them. Meradeth Houston's SARY series-guardian angels. Mmm. For the romance lovers- THE DEVIL TAKE YOU by HK Carlton-sexy brogue. Yum! THE ANTIQUE LOVE and THE SILK ROMANCE by Helena Fairfax-sweet, timeless romances. THE PROPHECY by Erin Albert- high fantasy with a unique love triangle.
(Q) What is your favorite part of the writing process? What about it makes you love it?
(Q) What is your favorite part of the writing process? What about it makes you love it?
I love the discovery part of the first draft. Getting to learn my characters and seeing where they want to go is such fun! I also enjoy working on edits- doing the fine tuning to get my story just right.
(Q) What’s your biggest pet-peeve when it comes to the writing world? Does anything get under your skin and itch?
(Q) What’s your biggest pet-peeve when it comes to the writing world? Does anything get under your skin and itch?
I think my biggest pet peeve in the writing world is lack of editing. This is an issue that used to give self-published authors a bad name, but recently I've seen bad editing in some books from the big six. And it drives me crazy! I know no matter how many times you look through, you might not catch all the errors, but these seemed to not have been looked over at all. So, if you're an author, be sure to proof everything before you hit send!
(Q) If you could meet any writer, living or dead, and pick their brain over coffee/tea/hot-chocolate, who would it be? What would be your first question?
(Q) If you could meet any writer, living or dead, and pick their brain over coffee/tea/hot-chocolate, who would it be? What would be your first question?
I'd pick Nora Roberts. She writes such well-rounded and interesting characters. My first question would be how do you make such well-rounded, well-formed characters?
You can find Mary Waibel at:
@mewtweety14 (twitter)
And don't forget the giveaway!