We have another awesome post today, in keeping with this week's hop! I'm hanging out here, so be sure to swing by and say hello, too!
The road to publication is always a difficult one to try map. This is as close as I could come:
Ten-year-old me: Brought my navy-blue notebook to school almost every day during fourth grade and spent all my free time penning (and illustrating) my very first novel.
Sixteen-year-old me: Precocious and sometimes a bit of a slacker in English class. When I didn't finish reading For Whom the Bell Tolls, I thought I'd just make up the essay questions (because I could write a book as well as Hemingway, right?).
Twenty-year-old me: Started writing my first non-grade-school novel. Brought my clipboard with my printed manuscript everywhere I went. Hmmm, maybe not so different from 10-year-old me.
Twenty-one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight-nine-year old me: Kept writing. Wrote short stories and essays and poems. Tried writing a novel in three days for the Three-Day-Novel-Writing-Competition-- twice! Realized how good it felt to finish.
Thirty-year-old me: Went to conferences. Wrote and illustrated picture books. Mailed them out. Got rejections. Kept writing. Tried writing a middle grade novel.
Thirty-one-year-old me: Started writing another middle grade novel. Finished it. Tried querying. Got many rejections. Kept writing.
Thirty-two-year-old me: Kept writing. Wrote a YA novel. Got my first essay published.
Thirty-three-year-old me: Tried Querying. Found an agent to who fell in love with my story. Went on submission. Got a lot of rejections. Almost got an offer. Almost. Wrote another YA novel.
Thirty-four-year-old me: Went on submission. Got a lot of rejections. Some almosts. Published my first short-story. Wrote another Middle grade novel.
Thirty-five-year-old me: Went on submission. Got a lot of rejections. Some almosts. Wrote another YA novel. Finally, finally, after all those rejections got a yes! And another yes!
Thirty-six-year-old me: Editing. Editing. Man it felt good to see some of that hard work pay off as two of my novels, DELIVER ME and PERFECTED were published.
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Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance
Release Date: November 18, 2014
ABOUT Cupcakes & Kisses:
Nineteen-year-old Glynna Balcora’s super power is baking. A young witch, she’s lived her entire life tucked away in the quaint city of Spokane, WA with her domineering aunt and sweetheart of a grandmother. It’s not an ideal situation. Although Glynna loves her grandmother dearly, and treasures the special times they spend in their magical greenhouse, Glynna’s aunt keeps her niece on a tight leash using threats of vague enemies.
Since Glynna graduated from high school a few a months ago, her aunt’s be-home-before-dark curfew seems more ridiculous every day. It isn’t doing much for the young witch’s social life, either. With encouragement from her best friend, Glynna sneaks out one night to go to a bonfire party at the lake. There she has an unexpected encounter with Spokane’s most eligible bachelor, Ashton Bass. Glynna’s been crushing on Ashton since she was five years old. But when they share their first kiss, thunderstorms and lightning follow… and Glynna’s aunt realizes it’s time to tell the young witch the truth about who she really is.
Cupcakes & Kisses is the first book in a playful New Adult Romance trilogy…
I race toward Kristeen’s burgundy Jeep Cherokee as if I can control the noise level blasting from her vehicle with speed. I can’t. Oops! Geez. I knew I should have tied my shoelaces, but there was no time. Now, I’m sprawled in the middle of the road. The bass booms, vibrating through my body as I pull myself back up. The beam from the jeep’s off-road lights flood the entire block, and I’m in the spotlight.
My excitement from moments before grinds into full-on panic. I’ve finally mustered the courage to escape my Aunt Ophelia enforced Rapunzel tower… and now, this! God of Cupcakes. Maybe it’s a sign I should have stayed home and finished my latest Colleen Hoover novel.
No! If I let a little spill like this stop me, I’m never going to get a life outside of the bakery.
Back on my feet, I duck as much to avoid the glare, as to avoid being caught by my tyrannical aunt. When I jerk open the passenger door, my friend is oblivious, rocking away to Nirvana’s “Smells like Teen Spirit”.
Arms parallel to the dash board, she gyrates in the jeep’s front seat. “Hey, chica.”
“Turn the grunge metal—down!” I wave my hand as if it’s on fire.
“Excuse me? Just because Kurt Cobain is anti-pink—”
“Please, just get me out of here.”
“What’s up?” Kristeen peels out, tires squealing.
“Probably my aunt, thanks to you.”
“Oh, did Glynna whip up some grumpy cupcakes for dessert tonight?”
I’ve never confessed I’m a witch to my BFF, but she knows there’s a little something extra in my cupcakes, and she likes to tease. I ignore her jibe and sink into the ripped leather seat with my arms over my head. As if that will save me if my aunt saw Kristeen’s jeep hauling ass down our street. “Next time, why don’t you just knock on the front door and tell Ophelia I climbed out my bedroom window?” My friend rolls her eyes. “How many times have I spent the night with you, and no matter what we did, or how much noise we made, she never woke up. That woman could sleep through a zombie apocalypse. Besides, that be-home-before-dark curfew is like something out of the dark ages.”
She’s right, but what am I supposed to do about it? My aunt might be a deep sleeper, but until her head hits the pillow, she’s a drill sergeant. “I know.”
“And you also know you’re a scaredy cat for not standing up to her, right?”
“Sure.” I concede.
Ophelia is formidable. Especially when it comes to protecting me from the dangers which going out after dark exposes me to. Dangers Ophelia implies are connected to my baking magic cupcakes. But she’s never been specific about what those dangers are. Kristeen’s prodding goads my curiosity. Do I have the courage to make a stand? Probably not, just the thought of demanding answers from Auntie O makes my bravado shrivel.
~ About the Authors ~
Heidi is collaborating with Billie Limpin to write The Magic Cupcake series, a special blend of magic, romance, and humor.
Heidi was born in Texas, and in an attempt to reside in as many cities in that state as she could, made it to Houston, Lubbock, Austin, and El Paso. She now lives in Eastern Washington state with her husband, their two cats, her laptop, and her Kindle. Being from the South, she often contemplates the magic of snow.
Billie Limpin lives in the Philippines where the sun always shines and people always smile!
A hopeless romantic inside and out, when Billie’s not swooning over a book boyfriend (which she often does!), you’ll probably catch her daydreaming (over a fictional character!). A reader by heart, and now a writer for the first time, she’s thrilled to put her daydreams into written words.
~ Giveaway ~
Great post :)
ReplyDeleteI loved Kate's sixteen year-old slacker confession of simply making up essay questions. Too funny! And the cover for Cupcakes and Kisses is so much fun.
ReplyDeleteKate, one of the biggest realizations I've had about writing has also been: "Realized how good it is to finish"!
ReplyDeleteCatherine, thank you!
And Meradath, thank you so much for helping me and Billie spread the word about Cupcakes & Kisses :D Heidi
Heidi and Billie, I like the cover!
ReplyDeleteKate, it's nice to meet you!
It was wonderful to learn about Kate's road to publication. I love that she kept going after her dreams and kept writing! Yeah! Wishing her the best of luck. :)
ReplyDeleteHeidi and Billie- your series sounds like fun. I have many favorite witches and wizards. I am going to go with Molly Weasley today (from Harry Potter).
Thanks for the giveaway!
And here I was feeling sorry for myself that I might have to shelve only the second novel that I've queried so far. Wow, Kate, you are a lesson in perseverance!! So glad it finally happened for you. And cupcakes- yes, please, this diet I'm on is kicking my butt! ;)
ReplyDeleteLooooooved reading Katie's story. Sigh! Sounds like I'm in the middle of her tale right now. Love hearing that there's a happy ending… so very, very, cool. Excited for her! :)
ReplyDeleteI love the cover.
ReplyDeleteKate's timeline looks familiar. I started writing in my teens, was by myself writing and querying in my twenties, and then got published and went to conferences in my thirties. I also have shelved manuscripts. Posts like these are important. It shows others that we need to be in this game for the long run.
Meradath, Thank you so much for helping us with "Cupcakes & Kisses" cover reveal!!! Pink hugs & kisses! <3 -- Billie :)