Meradeth, that is. I'm sitting here, brainstorming with hubby, trying to decide the most "normal" way to spell my name. Because I honestly have seen it just about every which way:
(LJ has given me a few more options to: Meredithe & Megadeath--haha!)
and on, and on, and on... Yeah. It kinda sucks. Personally, I think they way my parents spelled it (or mis-spelled it) makes the most sense. It's very phonetic. But if I use it as my pen name, then what? I'm back to the same problem that led me to trying to find another first name to use, which has been the endless circle of discussion around here. That being said, I'm really just leaning towards:
Meradeth Houston
Your thoughts are very much appreciated!
I personally never thought about spelling it different. I go by Shea, which is my middle name and that was a tough go for a while--that is until Shea butter got popular.
ReplyDeleteBut when I decided to write under my first name I never thought people would have problems with the spelling. Hmm...
There's a good chance I'm totally over thinking this :-) Then again, your spelling is more in line with what I've seen on a lot of name-database sites. Mine never appears, which is both fun and annoying.
ReplyDeleteI really like Shea--it's my sister-in-law's name and I never thought about shea butter, lol!
My daughter's name is spelled Meredith. This year she shortened it to Meri.
ReplyDeleteThe three-two meter of Meradeth Houston sounds nice!
Thanks! I've been tempted to go to "Mary" before, but it's just not me :-) I like Meri though! (I'd spaced about your daughter's name--it never stops amazing me how many other Meredith's there are out there!)