Umm, so I totally missed day 2. Oops! I did have a good reason though--yesterday was my 9 year anniversary. Blogging kind of fell low on the priority list :) Anyhow, on to day 3! And again, if you want to join in, go check here!
Most Envy-Inducing Plot (Or, the plot you wish you’d thought of yourself.) & Most Wonderful World-Building & Most Formidable World (Or, the setting you most definitely would NOT want to travel to.): Yeah, I'm totally lumping these together, because Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor is just that freaking awesome. Do go read it. And hide your wip, because you might have the urge to delete everything when you're done :)
Wanderlust-Inducing (Or, the setting you'd happily travel to.): Okay, I'm going to totally break the rules here and say a movie (I know, I know, it's about books, but Go See This Film. You won't regret it!), The Way. Dude. This movie made me want to move!
Loveliest Prose: Chime by Franny Billingsley
Most Jaw-Dropping Finale: Possession by Elana Johnson. I still think about this ending. Just, wow!
Best Performance in a Supporting Role: in Hex Hall, I really loved Sophie's roommate was wonderful. Why on earth I'm blanking on her name right now is making me nuts, but I do remember how much I liked her!
Best Use of Theme: Forever by Maggie Steifvater. I have some serious author envy when it comes to her books--not only do they have some amazing writing, but there are always so many lovely layers to the world, and the theme!
So, what do you think? Any to add to the list??