So after the random events surrounding the apartment we rented here in Barcelona for the next month, and the fallout of it not working out, we decided that this was just the sign we needed that the next leg of our journey was in order. What does that mean? Well, it means we're off to Japan!! It was a stroke of luck that we found tickets that hadn't risen in price, and we're heading out tomorrow. It's been really hard saying goodbye to all the good friends we've made in this city. Today was filled with all kinds of goodbyes to our favorite haunts and friends (and I hate goodbyes!). But, we are on to another adventure!
Our massively long flight starting tomorrow afternoon will complete our circumnavigation of the globe. We're going through some city in the Middle East that's in a country I've never heard of before. That will be interesting :) Then, we'll land here:
Osaka Japan! |
Can you tell that we're kind of seat-of-your-pants kind of people? Well, okay, hubby is. I'm along for the ride!
A special thanks to Elise Fallson for the Sunshine Award. So sweet! I'll try to answer the questions next week when I have a little more sanity :)

If you don't hear from me for a few days, now you know why....