Last Friday, I traveled to Lodi CA to see the Sandhill Crane festival. These giant migratory birds pass through Lodi every year, and can be found in the area for most of the winter months. It was incredible to get to see them--they were huge, and in giant flocks very near to where you could park and take a look. I took a whole lot of pictures :) They also made the strangest sound, and I found out that the trachea they force air through to make it is over 4 feet long. Crazy! (And that was your fun fact for the day.)
At any rate, I found the whole experience to be very inspiring. I love watching the birds fly, their grace and strength. It's peaceful, and makes me think about my characters, how they move, and how to write flying scenes.
(Bonus to anyone who can spot the coyote in the second to last pic!)
What makes you think about your characters? Gives you some added writing juice?