Meradeth Houston
on 8:26 AM
Ahhh, the end of my week of thankfulness. It's been good, at least for me :) Honestly, I need to do this more often (I think that every Thanksgiving) so that I remind myself about the Good Things around me and strive to do better. Anyhoot, today I'm thankful for change. Okay, okay, sometimes it gives me ulcers (like right now--we're in for a massive, big, scary change in a few months and it's still utterly unknown and that's Freaking Me Out!), but it's still good. I have to keep reminding myself of that. Plus? I'm getting out of the shoe-box apartment and hopefully the next place we live will have a dryer hook-up. And a dishwasher. And assigned parking. And more than 600sf. Ahhhh. I'm dreaming, I know, but I have a laundry list of requirements for the next place we live. But to get there will require change. And this is a GOOD THING. (If I keep repeating it, it will be true!)Anyone else out there facing a massive change? What's the best way to deal with it, other than deep breathing?? :)