At the risk of sounding silly, I'm almost wary of posting this because I don't want to jinx this! BUT, I can't resist. Here's the deal: hubby and I are done with school (I maaay have mentioned this before) and can no longer stay in student housing (for which I'm not sad--student housing is a dump). But, seeing as how we've yet to procure employment, and we don't yet have anything tying us down, we've decided to attempt to do something novel: enjoy life a little!
Anyone know where the above pic was taken? Well, it seems that we might be headed there for at least a month. Spain, people, Spain! Eeep! I'm stoked, and freaked, and have SO much to do, not the least of which is packing up my apartment and shoving everything into a too-small space. It'll be worth it though! At the moment, the plan is to live in Spain for a while, then head over to Japan, where we'll spend a few more months. (And if the dollar-yen exchange rate could improve some before we get there, I would be elated!) Anyhow, yeah, we're going to basically take off and see the world a little.
I'll still be here, posting as normal, but you might see a few more travel posts. I'm really hoping to get some good writing done, as nothing stirs creative juices for me more than new places :) Oh, and I have a book release coming up, so I'll be getting ready for that and all.
Has anyone been to Spain or Japan? Any recommendations or advice? I'd love to hear it!