A couple of days ago, I agreed to let my little Mountain Man brother take me on a hike (and I'm *still* sore!). We decided to head up by Lake Berryessa, which is really close to where we live. I love this area, all its little creeks and golden grass with giant green oak trees. And the lake from the top of the giant mountain we climbed provided a spectacular view. These aren't great pics, but I thought I'd share. I was up there, totally getting in touch with my current WIP, which is set nearby :) Anyhow, a couple of photos of my pretty "backyard."
Oh, and I have an interview up over on The Cheap Reader--I'm talking about people watching & dead people's DNA, so stop on by and say hello. Also, there will be a giveaway for a copy of Colors Like Memories starting later this week. I'll be posting deets on that soon!