I wish this was one of those awesome informational posts that would spell out a hundred different ways in which to boost book sales after the release of your book. It's not. Really, what this is is me going "okay, people of the blogging world, tell me what you think works best." And I am really hoping I can get some good discussion going, and get some good points, so that I can do one of those super informational posts in the near future :)
Anyhow, here's the deal: for the release of my book, I felt like I had a pretty good handle on what most people do, what I could handle, and hopefully have it work pretty well. And that was all great. I know a ton of awesome bloggers and book people, and I had a blast! Now my books been out for a few months though and I'm trying to figure out how to get some momentum going. As in, ya know, selling more books without being totally obnoxious. I have a massive fear of being seriously annoying... Anyhow, what I'd love to hear from you all is what do you think works best for selling books once your book has been released?
I've been doing fun little guest pieces on other blogs (I love these!), and requesting lots of reviews from book bloggers (those are trickling in slowly but surely, and have been mostly incredibly nice). I have giveaways going on other sites (like here and here, if you're so inclined to go enter!). I know I can reach out to more people, but I guess I'm not sure where to start, of even if that's the right route to take.
What have you seen or done? What's been a great contest you've entered that caught your interest? Ideas welcome and very much sought!