by Lisa Desrochers
In this final installment of the thrilling, edgy Personal Demons series, the battle between Heaven and Hell has become critical, and Frannie Cavanaugh is right at the center of it.
With the help of the powerful angel Gabe and demon-turned-mortal Luc, Frannie has been able to stay one step ahead of the forces of Hell. But when the demons killed Frannie's best friend and destroyed her brother, they raised the stakes. If Frannie wants to keep her family and friends safe, she knows she has no choice but to go on the run.
Their best defense is the power Frannie has been struggling to master, but her attempts to hone her skill go horribly awry. If Frannie doesn't learn fast, the consequences could be devastating--even apocalyptic.
What happens when you can't outrun Hell...or trust the ones you love?
This has been such an awesome series. I've loved the first two books, and honestly could NOT wait to get my hands on the last one! The romance between Frannie and Luc and Gabe is all just so steamy, and the intrigue of figuring out her real talent is so much fun. This last book was a nice conclusion to the series, but it kind of left me wanting in a few places. Frannie made some decisions that really kind of made me want to smack her a few times... The first half of the book could have had some faster pacing, too. But, overall, I like where this series went, and the resolve for the characters at the end. Also, Luc, *sigh* is just too hot for his own good :)
Have you read this series? What did you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
(And I simply must share this lovely review of Colors Like Memories--it made me smile!)
Stop by later this week for a giveaway, too! I have some fun stuff from Japan that I think need a new home :)