Shameless beg for votes: please, go to the You Gotta Reads contest and enter to help me win the book trailer contest, pretty please with sugar on top! I'm #8 and it will take two seconds!
There are TWO places you can win copies of Colors Like Memories right now: Fiction Freak (this title is continually making me smile!), and Behind a Million and One Pages. Go forth and enter--there's other fun stuff up for grabs, too!
Don't want to wait to read it? CLM is finally, finally, finally up on Barnes and Noble! How sweet is that? I'm stoked! B&N has issues with taking foreign published books, for some reason, and this includes Canada. *shakes head* I don't understand it, but it's there if you're looking to purchase for your Nook :)
And of course, if you're looking for an arc of The Diviners, you can enter here! Super easy to enter, and lots of stuff to do to gain more entries.
Now, on to a call for guest bloggers: whilst I'm moving and unpacking and otherwise attempting to rearrange my life in Montana (I still can't say that without going "WTH, Montana???"), I'm going to have some trouble getting blogging accomplished. So, I'm asking if anyone wants to pop on over here to talk about books, marketing, life in general, you know, the regular book-skewed slant I give on things :) It's free promotion for anyone who wants it! Just leave a comment or shoot me an email (address is on the sidebar). I'm looking for 6-8 people, if at all possible.
Now, back to this: